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a play in seven scenes

The Story

When the mixed-race children of Maddy's next-door neighbor contract a new, nameless and fatal disease, a court order upholds their right to attend the local grammar school.

Willard Lovelock, a friend of the local sheriff, informs Maddy  that “concerned citizens” plan to firebomb Melly’s house and they want Maddy to act as a lookout, letting them know when Melly and her children are away from home to keep them out of harm’s way. Fretting for her own family’s safety, Maddy struggles to do the right thing.

Wrestling with contemporary issues regarding terrorism and disease, race and community, LOVELOCK  challenges audiences to consider what they would do, faced with Maddy’s soul-wrenching dilemma.


The Characters

Maddy Dillard 42-53, a blonde housewife

Jason Dillard 40-51, a blonde husband

Clarissa Dillard 16, a dark-haired daughter

Melanie Cruise 26-34, a dark-skinned neighbor

Willard Lovelock 53-75, an old friend

Casting Breakdown:

Three women (teenage; late 20s; 40s); two men (40-70).

The Setting

The Dillard kitchen in the God-fearing town of Little Corinth, Florida. Modular kitchen set capable of disassembly, muraled scrim backdrop.

© 2022 OttemFox

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